Mysterious GattoBoxes

A regular event that takes place twice a month

During this event, GattoBoxes become available for purchase in the store, in which you can find something of value

IMPORTANT!!! Don't forget that purchased GattoBoxes are automatically burned if not opened within 24 hours of purchase

Rarity of GattoBoxExternal appearanceAwards

Normal (1 award card)

From 50 to 2500 Coins (81.9%) From 0.1 to 0.5 TON (0.099%) Essences (12%) Ordinary Egg (2%) Rare Egg (1%) Mythic Egg (1%) Legendary Egg (0.001%) Random Rare Clothing (2%)

Rare (1 to 2 reward cards)

From 800 to 80 000 Coins (87,4%) From 0.1 to 1 TON (0,09%) Essences (10%) Ordinary Egg (1%) Rare Egg (0,6%) Mythic Egg (0,1%) Random Rare Clothing (0,81%)

Mythical (1 to 3 reward cards)

From 1000 to 50 000 Coins (81%) From 0.5 to 4 TON (2%) Ordinary Egg (9%) Rare Egg (5%) Mythic Egg (1%) Legendary Egg (0,01%) Random Legendary Clothing (1,99%)

Legendary (1 to 4 reward cards)

From 5000 to 100 000 Coins (85%) From 1.5 to 6 TON (3%) Great Essence (5%) Rare Eggs (4%) Mythic Egg (2%) Legendary Egg (0,05%) Random Legendary Clothing (0,85%) $GTON (0,1%)

Last updated